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Our Work

Tomicah Tillemann headshot
Tomicah Tillemann, President, Project Liberty; Interim CEO Project Liberty Institute


Project Liberty Labs is developing an ecosystem of applications built on top of an inclusive data economy, putting users back in control.

Labs (formerly Amplica Labs) was incepted to solve society’s urgent social media problem by being the leaders in developing the critical infrastructure for the builders pioneering the next era of social networks. The team behind Labs has been at the forefront of innovation by creating entirely new models for the digital age, like the Decentralized Social Networking Protocol (DSNP) — a groundbreaking open-source protocol designed to serve as a new infrastructure for the next generation of the web. They were also critical in the contribution to Frequency, a Polkadot parachain designed to support the scaling of the Social Web, an evolution of the internet in which core social networking functionality is integrated within the web itself.


Project Liberty Institute, 501(c)(3) founded by Frank McCourt, is bringing together technologists, academics, policymakers, civil society and citizens to build a safer, healthier tech ecosystem. The Institute has an international partner network that includes Georgetown University, Stanford University, Sciences Po, and other leading academic institutions and civic organizations; and is the steward of the Decentralized Social Networking Protocol (DSNP) which is available as a public utility to serve as the bedrock of a more equitable web support a new era of innovation that empowers people over platforms and serve the common good. 


The Project Liberty Alliance consists of nearly 100 organizations—tech companies, policy groups, impact initiatives, academic institutions, and more—committed to a people-powered internet.


A better digital future will only be possible if people demand it and actively participate in building it. We develop campaigns that inform people and provide a path to collaboratively build solution.

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